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The call for applications for "1.000 EUR for 1 Minute", the international competition of the 17th edition of Videominuto_09 to be held September 19th-26th 2009 at the Luigi Pecci Center of Contemporary Art in Prato, is now open.

Organized by the Tuscan radio station Controradio, the Luigi Pecci Center of Contemporary Art, in collaboration with the cultural association GRAV and with the support of the Region Tuscany, the City and township of Prato and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, this year Videominuto_09, always under Raffaele Gavarro’s artistic direction, has been enhanced with new awards and events. Besides the classic 1000 EUR award for the first classified video, three other prizes will awarded. Two special mentions of the jury will be awarded with 500 EUR each, and one award will be given to a videomaker which will be selected for an artistic residency in Prato, during which he/she will achieve a one-minute video on the economic reality of the city. This special award has been established by "Economia ” an initiative that takes place in Prato on the same days.

Videominuto_09 will start Saturday September 19th with the vernissage of the exhibition "Lumen_ The Italian videoart scene" in the exhibition halls of the museum. Curated by Videominuto’s artistic director, "Lumen" gathers the works of 10 Italian video artists: Alterazioni Video, Elisabetta Benassi, Bianco-Valente, Gea Casolaro, Michael Fliri, goldiechiari, Ra di Martino, Sara Rossi, Marinella Senatore, Zimmerfrei. After this first presentation at Videominuto_09, the exhibition sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with Luigi Pecci Center of Contemporary Art, will be shown at the most important Italian Cultural Institutes around the world.

In the exhibition halls, next to "Lumen", there will be also screenings of one-minute videos selections from other “Minute” festivals in the world and a section curated by Andrea Mi dedicated to the connections between experimental video and music. The screening of the videos selected for the finals of the competition will take place Saturday September 26th during the "Long night of the Minute" with the Award ceremony and the festival closure party.

Videominuto_09 is part of the international circuit of festivals dedicated to videos of one minute (, to which belong the "59 Seconds Video Festival" in the USA, the Brazilian "Festival do Minuto", the Dutch "The One Minutes", the Swiss “1 Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau", the Spanish "Iberminuto", the Slovak "Azyl Film Festival", the " Croatian One Minute Festival" and the "Pravda One Minute "in Lithuania. This year for the first time in Videominuto’s "One World One Minute" showcase it will be possible to watch also videos from the “Extra Short Film Festival" in Russia.

The deadline for video entry is Friday 17th of July 2009. Further details and info about the competition can be also found on the website
