Festival Of Different Cinemas

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Promedio: 1 (1 voto)

Festival Of Different Cinemas
Paris, December 8-13 2009
Deadline: August 20 2009

The 11th annual festival is organized by the Collectif Jeune Cinema (CJC), French cooperative for the distribution and promotion of different and experimental cinemas.

This year, the call for entries concerns two main themes:

1) Filmic Texture/Digital stuff
Experimental cinema has often used the structure of its component materials as subject matter or as a driving force. An independent practice has arisen, at odds with the commercial system: artist-run, do-it-yourself film labs allow filmmakers to develop and print their own work, protecting the freedom of production, both economically and technically. The same is true for video work that undertakes formal invention or research into its own nature. We are looking for films favoring celluloid or digital textures, or work combining these two media.

2) Latin America: Experimentations from Mexico to the Southern Polar Circle.

Any length and format are eligible: S8, 16mm, 35mm and video. All films in a language other than French must be subtitled in French. Short subjects carry the same requirement for French subtitling, unless dialogue or commentary is unnecessary for comprehension and appreciation. Each entry must be accompanied by a DVD Screener.

Submissions must be postmarked no later than 20 August 2009. There ARE NO entry fees..

IN ADDITION TO the festival, the CJC also MANAGES: A Distribution catalogue (Available on internet or by mail upon request).Monthly screenings of films from its catalogue, or by guest Filmmakers,Educational screenings,Quarterly publication of the magazine "Etoilements",The CJC is supported by The Centre National de la Cinematographie, DRAC Ile de France, Conseil Regional and The City of Paris.

Mains d’Oeuvres - atelier 11 / 1, rue Charles Garnier – 93 400 Saint Ouen, France
tel+fax: +33 (0)140.118.447e-mail : [email protected]
Festival regulations and the entry form : www.cjcinema.org
