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  • Helen Hill - The House of Sweet Magic

    Helen Hill (1970-2007) was a filmmaker and activist raised in Columbia, South Carolina and settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. She studied Experimental Animation at Harvard and California Institute of the Arts. She taught film workshops wherever she went,


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    20.00 USD


  • Boris Lehman - Leçon de vie

    To attain knowledge, man and woman had to be willing to give up their innocence," says Boris Lehman. Life Lesson is a poetic and philosophic reflection on the theme of paradise lost. Some fifty persons illustrate the planet's convulsions and the world's v


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    24.00 EUR


  • Paracinema. La desmaterialización del cine en las prácticas artísticas

    ¿Cómo se presenta el cine en las prácticas artísticas cuando éste ha sido progresivamente despojado de su aparato tecnológico? ¿Es el cine una técnica o un método de asociación mental que estimula el pensamiento? Desde su mismo nacimiento, el cine se vio ceñido a una serie de normas y valores que le impedían expresar la naturaleza radical de sus potencias y, no obstante, unos cuantos visionarios han logrado extirparlo de su laberinto circular. No se trata de practicar una destrucción total del cine en todos los casos, sino de transformarlo en otras formas artísticas. Paracinema, en oposición al cine expandido, es la realización de la idea de cine a un nivel conceptual, experiencial y artístico. Se trata, en cualquier caso, de generar una experiencia cinemática desconectada, entera o parcialmente de su aparato tradicional.


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    16 EUR


  • Du film performatif

    De nombreuses performances artistiques aujourd’hui se proposent de remplacer le film par son énoncé sous la forme d’une conférence illustrée ou d’une lecture. Des fragments d’un film à venir (photographies, documents, fragments de scénario) sont présentés en guise du film lui-même. On peut s’interroger sur ces nouveaux formats. De quoi sont-ils le symptôme ? S’agit-il d’un futur performatif du cinéma ?


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    24 EUR


  • James Benning - casting a glance & RR

    In casting a glance one artist pays tribute to another as James Benning offers his filmic paean to Robert Smithson's legendary "earthwork" sculpture, the Spiral Jetty. With RR, his homage to the American railroad, the filmmaker brings an era to its close by going back to cinema's roots. Shot back-to-back over a period of two years, these works marked James Benning's farewell to analogue filmmaking and together constitute the profound "last words" on the film medium by one of its most singular innovators. This 2-disc set presents both films together with rare audio interviews in which Benning recounts the experience of making his "last" films and gives unique insight into his creative methods.


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    29,29 EUR


  • El cine como arte subversivo

    Film as a Subversive Art, del curador y crítico de cine Amos Vogel. Originalmente publicada en 1974, se trata de una obra fundamental en la historia del cine, donde el autor lleva a cabo una revisión histórica del séptimo arte a la luz del concepto de subversión.


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    300 MXN


  • Then and Now: Carolee Schneemann – Œuvres d’Histoire

    A new reading of the work of a major American and international artist, well known for her depictions of the female body, of society's attitude to women and particularly for her pioneering work as a performance and video artist in the cause of feminism, in the context of artists' reactions to major world issues and a return of the historical genre in art today, underlining her unflagging commitment to the recording of history as it happens.

    Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the Musée départemental d'art contemporain de Rochechouart in 2013.


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    24 EUR


  • Light/Lumière

    Light is a poem by beat poet and experimental filmmaker ruth weiss, written in 1976 in response to a series of light-shows by Elias Romero.

    A new bilingual edition (English-French), translated, edited, designed, and published by STEREOEDITIONS is now available.

    Bilingual edition (English-French) of ruth weiss' poem Light
    36 pages
    Laser print on recycled silk paper, cyanotype cover.
    50 copies (signed and numbered)


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    15 EUR


  • Lisl Ponger - Travelling Light

    Lisl Ponger´s photographic and cinematic work investigates the circumstances of places and their territorial occupation by the camera, the acquisation of images, the function of photographic and cinematic representation, and the presentation of cultural v


    Promedio: 4 (2 votos)


    36.00 EUR


  • Sarah Pucill - Swollen Stigma

    Sarah Pucill’s films and photographs explore the mirroring and merging we seek in the Other; a sense of self which is transformative and fluid. Her work is concerned with the idea that as subjects we are not separate.


    Promedio: 4 (1 voto)


    20.00 GBP



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