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  • Pürrer / Scheirl - Super-8-Girl Games

    These shorts, executed between 1984 and 1986 in Vienna, exude an amazingly fresh intimacy and vitality. Referred to by the filmmakers as »home movies«, they record actionistic performances in the directors´ own living quarters, with added soundtracks of i


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    36.00 EUR


  • Visiones Laterales. Cine y Video Experimental en Chile (1957-2017)

    Este libro analiza las formas audiovisuales experimentales que han tenido presencia desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX en Chile. Trata de cine y video experimental, incluyendo nociones como las de video-arte, cine-expandido, video de artista, video-instalación, video-creación, documental experimental o ensayo audiovisual. Estas prácticas los autores las piensan en conjunto, no como algo pretérito, sino como un presente activo inscrito en una genealogía histórica. Visiones Laterales.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    11.900 CHP


  • The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer

    The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer, edited by Scott Birdwise and Tom McSorley, features new essays on Broomer’s work, a complete filmography, and an extensive interview with Broomer. Contributors include R. Bruce Elder, Dan Browne, Clint Enns, Zoë Heyn-Jones, Brett Kashmere, Scott Miller Berry, Cameron Moneo, Andréa Picard, and Michael Sicinksi.

    “Having devoted his life to the art of cinema in his various capacities as a filmmaker, scholar, preservationist, and poet, Stephen Broomer is on his way to establishing himself among the most aesthetically and historically engaged experimental filmmakers in Canada. His practice is indeed ‘experimental’ in the best sense of the term: his films are imbued with a clear awareness of the great strengths and weaknesses of what was, the limitations and possibilities of what is, and the mystery and wonder of what could be.” Scott Birdwise, York University / Canadian Film Institute


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    15 CAD


  • Germaine Dulac: Writings On Cinema (1919-1937)

    The present publication in e-book format is an english translation from the original 1994 edition, now out-of-print, with a new preface by PROSPER HILLAIRET that puts DULAC’s importance and current relevance into perspective, and a foreword by TAMI M. WILLIAMS, president of Domitor – the International Society for the Study of Early Cinema and author of Germaine Dulac: A Cinema of Sensations.

    English translation by Scott Hammen
    Foreword by Tami M. Williams
    New preface by Prosper Hillairet


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    11,45 USD


  • Maya Deren - Experimental Films

    The collected shorts of Maya Deren the \"Mother of the trance film\" who worked completely outside the commercial film industry and made her own inner experience the center of her films.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    29.98 USD


  • Stan Brakhage the realm buster

    Stan Brakhage’s body of work counts as one of the most important within post-war avant-garde cinema, and yet it has rarely been given the attention it deserves. Over the years, though, diverse and original reflections have developed, distancing his figure little by little from critical categories. This collection of newly commissioned essays, plus some important reprinted work, queries some of the consensus on Brakhage’s films. In particular, many of these essays revolve around the controversial issues of representation and perception.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    26,48 GBP


  • Gravity Spells: Bay Area New Music and Expanded Cinema Art

    Produced by Bay Area filmmaker and sound artist John Davis in conjunction with a fellowship and residency at the Kala Art Institute in Berkeley CA, this limited edition of 100 includes two hand-silkscreened gatefold LPs and four silkscreened DVDs of original film and music, plus a 50-page booklet of writing and images bound in a hand letterpressed cover. The project was conceived to publicly showcase emerging and established strains of expanded cinema and music collaboration in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as to create a physical document that captured that energy.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    90 USD


  • Jonas & Adolfas Mekas - The brig

    "The Brig" is a modern Inferno. The men who enter it abandon all hope of mercy. Here, hell is a Marine Corps prison in which humiliation and brutality are dished out according to the book, with guards and inmates performing a mad ritual of degradation...


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    24.00 EUR


  • Alfred Leslie - COOL MAN in a GOLDEN AGE Selected Films

    Alfred Leslie is a pivotal American artist-painter-filmmaker whose work spans the past fifty years. A celebrated contemporary of the Abstract Expressionists and a key figure in the extraordinary social milieu of downtown New York from the 1950s and 60s toAlfred Leslie is a pivotal American artist-painter-filmmaker whose work spans the past fifty years. A celebrated contemporary of the Abstract Expressionists and a key figure in the extraordinary social milieu of downtown New York from the 1950s and 60s to the present, his own canvases were amongst the most revered of his peers. In 1964 he made Pull My Daisy with the photographer Robert Frank and in 1966 collaborated with the inimitable poet Frank O’Hara on The Last Clean Shirt. In 1960 he edited and published the amazing collection of texts and drawings that form the ‘one shot review’ The Hasty Papers – in and of itself a summation of cultural activity with contributions from Allen Ginsberg, John Ashbery and Fidel Castro amongst may others. Leslie dramatically moved away from abstraction to make giant almost hyper-real portraits, the majority of which were destroyed in the now infamous fire that ripped through his studio and its neighbouring blocks on October 17 1966. This utterly devastating event, that completely destroyed paintings, films and manuscripts, continues to inform his work today.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    20.00 GBP


  • Robert Darroll - The Korean Trilogy and other animations

    The recently restored Korean Trilogy by Robert Darroll are now made available for personal ownership for the first time. Restoration created by Mark Toscano and the Academy Film Archive. This DVD also includes five more films by Darroll and a rare installation project.

    "The first words that come to mind about Robert Darroll’s films are density and complexity -- of imagery, technique and style. He assimilates, transforms and transcends almost every technique in the history of animation. This is the apotheosis of motion graphics – simultaneously photographic, videographic and computer graphic. Darroll creates a hypnotic and visionary universe through virtuosic use of rotoscoping, compositing, layering, filtering and complex segmentations of the frame." - Gene Youngblood


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    35 USD



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