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  • Sandy Ding - Psychoecho

    Sandy Ding is an experimental filmmaker who lives and works in Beijing, China. He graduated from CalArts Film School USA in 2007 and started teaching in China Central Academy of Fine Arts since 2008. He produced several psycho-active films with the idea of combining ritual process in projection and sound. His work is energy patterns, telling mysteries with abstractions or powerful symbolic elements. He is equally interested in live performance of theater projections, untypical gallery projections, installations and live noise music to extend the idea of experimental film.


    Promedio: 4 (4 votos)


    19,90 EUR


  • Jacques Perconte - Corps

    DVD Jacques Perconte - Corps, 77', contains 3 films (SNSZ, UAOEN, ISZ) and a 44-page booklet.


    Promedio: 4 (4 votos)


    19,90 EUR


  • The Maya Deren Collection

    Maya Deren is one of the most important American experimental filmmakers of all time and Kino Classics and Re:Voir are proud to present new 2K restorations of her essential work. Along with being a filmmaker, Deren was a choreographer, dancer, film theorist, poet, lecturer and photographer, and she brings all of these disciplines together in her dreamlike and ecstatic films.


    Promedio: 4 (4 votos)


    34,95 USD
    29,90 EUR


  • de Nooijer: Dutch Masters

    Paul de Nooijer (* 1943) has been making films for 40 years now – an incredible achievement in a field not exactly showered by public interest and funding. His reputation is solidly based on works displaying mostly ‘illusionism’ – the interdependency of film and photography. Since son Menno (*1967) joined in this ‘family business of art’ as a full-fledged partner in 1989, the films became faster and more colourful. But more importantly, the focus of their artistic efforts slightly shifted from just photography and film to a combination with theatre and performance.


    Promedio: 4 (4 votos)


    24,90 EUR


  • Bart Vegter - 9 Abstract Films (1981-2008)

    Bart Vegter (1940-2011) was self-taught and derived his primary inspiration from the methods of filmmakers such as Frans Zwartjes and Paul de Mol, and experimental cinema from the 1970s and 1980s. Before starting to shoot abstract films at age forty, Bart Vegter graduated from the Eindhoven University of Technology and worked at the laboratories of Shell and Philips. His oeuvre may be modest in size, but it excels in its eye for detail and craftsmanship. During the early years, he worked with traditional animation techniques. However, his last few films such as Nacht-Licht [Night Light], Space-Modulation and Forest-Views display a more idiosyncratic style attributable to the software he wrote.


    Promedio: 4 (4 votos)


    19,95 EUR


  • The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer

    The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer, edited by Scott Birdwise and Tom McSorley, features new essays on Broomer’s work, a complete filmography, and an extensive interview with Broomer. Contributors include R. Bruce Elder, Dan Browne, Clint Enns, Zoë Heyn-Jones, Brett Kashmere, Scott Miller Berry, Cameron Moneo, Andréa Picard, and Michael Sicinksi.

    “Having devoted his life to the art of cinema in his various capacities as a filmmaker, scholar, preservationist, and poet, Stephen Broomer is on his way to establishing himself among the most aesthetically and historically engaged experimental filmmakers in Canada. His practice is indeed ‘experimental’ in the best sense of the term: his films are imbued with a clear awareness of the great strengths and weaknesses of what was, the limitations and possibilities of what is, and the mystery and wonder of what could be.” Scott Birdwise, York University / Canadian Film Institute


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    15 CAD


  • Pürrer / Scheirl - Super-8-Girl Games

    These shorts, executed between 1984 and 1986 in Vienna, exude an amazingly fresh intimacy and vitality. Referred to by the filmmakers as »home movies«, they record actionistic performances in the directors´ own living quarters, with added soundtracks of i


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    36.00 EUR


  • Visiones Laterales. Cine y Video Experimental en Chile (1957-2017)

    Este libro analiza las formas audiovisuales experimentales que han tenido presencia desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX en Chile. Trata de cine y video experimental, incluyendo nociones como las de video-arte, cine-expandido, video de artista, video-instalación, video-creación, documental experimental o ensayo audiovisual. Estas prácticas los autores las piensan en conjunto, no como algo pretérito, sino como un presente activo inscrito en una genealogía histórica. Visiones Laterales.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    11.900 CHP


  • Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks

    Women’s Experimental Cinema provides lively introductions to the work of fifteen avant-garde women filmmakers, some of whom worked as early as the 1950s and many of whom are still working today. In each essay in this collection, a leading film scholar considers a single filmmaker, supplying biographical information, analyzing various influences on her work, examining the development of her corpus, and interpreting a significant number of individual films.


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    25.95 USD


  • Germaine Dulac: Writings On Cinema (1919-1937)

    The present publication in e-book format is an english translation from the original 1994 edition, now out-of-print, with a new preface by PROSPER HILLAIRET that puts DULAC’s importance and current relevance into perspective, and a foreword by TAMI M. WILLIAMS, president of Domitor – the International Society for the Study of Early Cinema and author of Germaine Dulac: A Cinema of Sensations.

    English translation by Scott Hammen
    Foreword by Tami M. Williams
    New preface by Prosper Hillairet


    Promedio: 4 (3 votos)


    11,45 USD



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