No Name Microcinema

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Promedio: 1 (1 voto)

NO NAME CINEMA is a new microcinema space in Santa Fe NM dedicated to the presentation of experimental artist's films, video art, the truly independent, the obscure and the avant-garde in an intimate setting. The cinema will be used to cultivate and foster an environment that facilitates dialogue and conversation through hosting guest presenting filmmakers, artist talks, open conversations and occasional workshops. NNC is collectively operated and volunteer ran, and all screenings/events will be free or low-cost to attend.

Over the course of 2021, we hosted 18 live-streamed film programs online and held one in-person pop-up screening in October. However, as of Nov 1st we were able to pool our resources together in order to sign a year-long lease on a commercial warehouse space in midtown Santa Fe! And now we begin the intensive (and costly) process of outfitting the space as a microcinema.

By January 2022, we hope to have the space painted & renovated with a 150" projection screen, seating for up to 30 people, with a projection booth and snack bar installed. We will be able to present work on 8mm, Super-8mm and 16mm film, as well as 4K Digital projection. During this period of paint, dust and penny-pinching, we still plan to host at least one screening a month in both Nov & Dec (which will include a local filmmaker presenting the world premiere of a new Super-8mm film, and another local filmmaker presenting the NM-premiere of a film with live musical accompaniment).

We're funding all of this out-of-pocket without any support from grants, institutions or trust funds - so we set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help offset the extensive startup costs. Any financial support of any size will be a huge assistance to NNC!

Updates on programming and microcinema developments can be found at

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