In the Course of Human Events

After the 1989 quake the city of San Francisco decided to tear down the Embarcadero Freeway once and for all. The climate of dread evoked by PREMONITION is followed by a primitive yet seductive "tableau" of twisted metal. The bulldozers are prehistoric monsters that tear bits of metal and stone from the vulnerable concrete. Angerame films the spectacle in extremely precise shots that surgically unveil our obsession with destruction and technological decline.

"[A]n exquisite black and white surrealist depiction of the Embarcadero Freeway demolition, in which dinosaurlike tractors gnash at an organic tangle of steel reinforcements. ... Inanimate objects and heavy machinery become living metaphors for generation through the director's signature use for high-contrast, time-lapse and double exposure cinematography. Like a moving gallery installation, the 23-minute piece is composed of individual shots so precise and emotionally evocative that each could stand on its own as testimony to Angerame's astounding talent." - Silke Tudor, SF Weekly

"... a metaphorical approach to architecture could be found in quite a few works and this is why the organizers put them together in a separate section. In this section, the most remarkable film was IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS by Dominic Angerame, a film that combines shorts of the tearing down of the Embarcadero Freeway in San Francisco with industrial music - a proposal of an ambivalent interpretation of human break up and break down." - Andreas Denk, Kunstforum, July-September 1998

Sound: Kevin Barnard, Ray Guillet, and Kyle Newhall;

Sound Design: Amy Leigh Hunter.




Series name: 



United States
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23 minutes


Copies for rent:

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In the Course of Human Events (Dominic Angerame, 1997)
In the Course of Human Events (Dominic Angerame, 1997)

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