
  • Aspiro al gran laberinto y otros pasajes – Hélio Oiticica

    Experiencias: vivir, inventar, escribir. Para Hélio Oiticica no eran tres palabras sino manifestaciones de un mismo gesto, de una realidad única. Y así fue desde el principio, cuando comenzó con el Grupo Frente y participó en la Exposición Nacional de Arte Concreta de 1957, hasta el final de su vida, cuando no dejaba de llenar sus cuadernos con proyectos ni de transformar el espacio urbano con sus obras y su cuerpo en lo que llamó “delirios ambulatorios”.


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  • L’Histoire d’une Histoire du Cinema

    Paris, 1976: the Centre Pompidou had not yet opened its doors, yet it was already asserting its ambition to include in its programming artistic practices that had until then remained invisible in museums. It is at this moment of prefiguration that the exhibition A History of Cinema is being organised. What kind of history is this? In the course of the sessions, an alternative narrative to the dominant cinematographic canons took shape, on the fringes of the industry and auteur cinema.


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    39 EUR


  • Experimental Film and Queer Materiality

    Often described as an art of abstraction and subjective introspection, experimental film is also invested in exploring daily objects and materials and in channeling, in the process, a peculiar perception of the modern everyday that this book calls queer materiality.


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    Hardback - 64 GBP
    Paperback - 22.99 GBP


  • Stan Brakhage - Yo... Durmiendo (Un Diario de Sueños y Explicaciones entre Paréntesis)

    James Stanley Brakhage, de nombre original Robert Sanders, nació en Kansas City, Missouri, en 1933. A los seis años de edad se mudó a Colorado, donde pasaría la mayor parte de su vida. En su dura infancia, halló un refugio temprano en el arte, primero como niño soprano solista y después como escritor y dramaturgo durante la escuela secundaria. Becado en la Universidad de Dartmouth, estudió sólo un semestre, abandonándola para filmar su primera película en 1952.


    Average: 2 (1 vote)


    10 EUR


  • Illuminated Hours: The Early Cinema of Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiler

    Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiler met in 1964 at the premiere of Dorsky’s first film, Ingreen. This encounter marked the beginning of a shared life and a series of creative exchanges. Covering a span of over forty years, this book brings together interviews, writings, and documents related to the 16mm films made by the two filmmakers in New York, at the country house in New Jersey where they lived in the late 1960s, and in San Francisco, where they moved in 1971 and currently reside.


    Average: 5 (1 vote)


    30 EUR


  • Glitch Theory: Art and Semiotics

    What do glitches reveal about the normally invisible processes behind our interpretations?


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    30 USD


  • The Red Thread - Larry Gottheim and his Films

    The Red Thread is the definitive work on Larry Gottheim, a key figure in the history of American experimental film.

    Gottheim's reflections on the evolution of his work over the decades provide an extraordinary window onto the development of the art form in America in the late 20th century. His own account of his lifelong exploration of the boundaries of cinematic perception is here combined with the reflections of other major film artists and critics on the importance of his work.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1: The Red Thread


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  • R. Bruce Elder: A Man Whose Life was Full of Woe has been Surprised by Joy

    A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe Has Been Surprised By Joy is about transformationsabout transformations of imagery through collage and montage, about history as transformation, about eros as a transformative power, and, most of all, about the transformations of the self. It rejects modernity's inhumane technological order and seeks to reconnect the body and the self.


    Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


    35 CAD


  • Josephine Massarella: Green Dreams

    The films of Josephine Massarella cover a vast territory, from durational, performance-focused films that bridge everyday experiences with ritual and symbol, to aesthetic transformations of landscape and wilderness through the eye of the camera.


    Average: 5 (1 vote)


    35 CAD


  • Richard Kerr: Field Trips

    Canadian artist-filmmaker Richard Kerr was raised in a north-south family near the American border. From a young age he was preoccupied with the vision of empire reflected in American mass culture and sport. As he matured as a filmmaker, Kerr began to turn his attention increasingly to America as a subject, undertaking road trips through the American southwest, studying the spirit of a landscape made for cinema.


    Average: 5 (1 vote)


    35 CAD



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