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Experimental Cinema topics of conversation

Here are some topics I would enjoy discussing:

1) A-G classifications, I.E, what are the basic "types" of Experimental Cinema? Visual Music, certainly. Poetic Cinema, definitely. Essay Film, Diary film, and Personal Documentary. And more, and a mixture of each. I find Sitney's nomenclature to be inadequate, focusing more on personal taste than descriptive classifications.

2) Why has academia stolen A-G from the aesthetic community? Does the fact that many filmmakers scurry to academia for money and security hurt the form, or help it?

3) I'm a big fan of James Benning, and watching his films poses many questions for me. Is there a role for A-G as background, like music currently holds? I find having a JB film on the screen increases conversational intensity, just as music does. Is this disrespectful to the filmmaker? 

...and well, many other subjects, I'm afraid few would be interested in. 


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