Suggest films or film artists who use damaged film in their works

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Lauri Lest's picture


I am doing a little research on films or film artists who use damaged film in their works. Can anyone suggest any?
An example, Sami van Ingen's "Flame":

Thank you!

Lauri Lest


Marcos Ortega's picture
Hi, Lauri

Hi, Lauri

I think the most prominent name out there would be Bill Morrison (Decasia, Light is Calling...). Other examples that I can think of right now are Karel Doing (have a look at Liquidator ) or Steven Woloshen (he even has a book on creating films with dameged celluloid, )


Lauri Lest's picture
Thank you, Marcos! That's

Thank you, Marcos! That's really helpful!



Anonymous's picture
Check out Phil Solomon :)

Check out Phil Solomon :)

Lauri Lest's picture
Seems to be a good one!

Seems to be a good one! Thanks!

Anonymous's picture
Bill Morrison
mesmerising meditations on old, decaying silent films with original scores by some of the finest contemporary composers

Catherine Anne Pace's picture
film decomposition

Decomposing the film is an example of a related method of experimenting with the film material itself. Here's an example by Emmanuel LEFRANT who documents the decomposition of film burriee underneath the earth's surface in his film Underground 

I hope whomever reads this finds inspiration in what can be found in these archives. I found this forum because I am an experimental filmmaker and have used destroyed film in many of my works. If you're interested to see some ameteur work, here's a film I made called "Light" where I animated scanned images of film that had been destroyed during hand-processing the images to photonegatives. 

Anonymous's picture
Jennifer West is one

Jennifer West is one filmmaker working today with damaged or otherwise physically altered work! I really enjoy her exhibition works and the films paired with them. Here's one of her works:

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