On the Border of the Gaza Strip

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To trace back the beginning of the complicated relation between Israel and Palestine is not a simple task even for international experts. However, how do world-renowned and acclaimed documentarists see the long-lasting dispute with moments of fragile peace alternating with acts of aggression?

To Israeli-born director Eyal Sivan, the tense events on the border between the Israeli and the Palestinian state have become a life-long film theme. With an openly critical view, the director explores the differing perspectives from which Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs perceive their own as well as their common history. Immediately after a Palestinian man signs an online petition, he is thrown into a panic-inducing spiral of self-doubt. This is the basis for Mahdi Fleifel's I Signed the Petition. Over the course of a conversation with an understanding friend, he analyses, deconstructs and interprets the meaning of his choice to publicly support the cultural boycott of Israel. In Avi Mograbi's Once I Entered a Garden, the filmmaker seems to fantasize an older Middle East, one in which communities are not divided along ethnic and religious lines; a Middle East in which even metaphorical borders had no place. Chantal Akerman's masterpiece Down There sees Akerman spend a brief period in an apartment by the sea in Tel Aviv, Israel. From her apartment, she spies on the neighboring apartments and films people living their ordinary daily lives.

Down There
Chantal Akerman
Akerman spends a month in Tel Aviv, in an apartment by the sea, contemplating her family, her Jewish identity and her childhood.

Once I Entered a Garden
Avi Mograbi
Avi Mograbi and his long-time friend Ali embark on a journey to a land that existed before borders were created. A world that existed, even though most of the people and especially politicians pretend it never did. A world where communities were not divided along religious lines. With a light hand held camera, Mograbi continues to question the history of Israel. Everything is still possible.

The Shebabs Of Yarmouk
Axel Salvatori-Sinz
Ala'a Hassan, Samer, Tasneem and Waed are third-generation Palestinian refugees living in the Syrian camp at Yarmouk. They are part of “Les Chebabs”, a group they formed in their teenage years...

Schizophrenic State
Guli Silberstein
A work made while living in New York City. Two images appeared on my TV screen: An Israeli soldier being lynched in Ramallah, a Palestinian child and his father being fired at in Gaza. How can horror be constructed in words? It's a schizophrenic situation - two sides trapped in a cycle of violence. Being in a personal schizophrenic state as well, watching this in New York - not here nor there. Are these images real? Are any images real?

I Signed the Petition
Mahdi Fleifel
Immediately after a Palestinian man signs an online petition, he is thrown into a panic-inducing spiral of self-doubt. Over the course of a conversation with an understanding friend, he analyses, deconstructs and interprets the meaning of his choice to publicly support the cultural boycott of Israel.

Simone Bitton
Cinematic meditation on the Izraeli-palestinian conflict...

AQABAT JABER, Peace with No Return?
Eyal Sivan
Can peace between Israel and Palestine be possible without the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland which has now become Israel?

Sean McAllister
Tension mounts to the boiling point as Jewish “settlers” encroach upon the formerly exclusive Arab neighbourhoods of Jerusalem...

Watch the program here

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