Puebla Experimental Film Festival 2007

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

6DOF MUESTRA PUEBLA 2007 Experimental and Alternative Short Film Festival. Muestra de cine y video experimental y alternativo
We would like to invite visual artists, videasts, cineasts, musicians, dancers, cartoon-animation artists and people involved in specified areas of visual productions, to participate in the third experimental film and video showing - 6DOFMUESTRAPUEBLA07 - which will take place September 10 - 14, 2007, in Puebla, Mexico.
The festival will exhibit experimental and alternative video and film works. It is not open to commercial or publicity works. The categories that will be exhibited are:
A. narrative and non-narrative
B. animated
C. documentary - testimonial
D. experimental video clips
E. video dance, video performance, multimedia scenic
Exhibition: Sept. 10-14, 2007
More information and registration form on website.
Deadline: 2007-07-31
E-mail: [email=[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Web: [url=http://6dof.infixa.com]6dof.infixa.com[/url]

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Puebla Experimental Film Festival 2007

6DOF MUESTRA PUEBLA 2007 Experimental and Alternative Short Film Festival. Muestra de cine y video experimental y alternativo
We would like to invite visual artists, videasts, cineasts, musicians, dancers, cartoon-animation artists and people involved in specified areas of visual productions, to participate in the third experimental film and video showing - 6DOFMUESTRAPUEBLA07 - which will take place September 10 - 14, 2007, in Puebla, Mexico.
The festival will exhibit experimental and alternative video and film works. It is not open to commercial or publicity works. The categories that will be exhibited are:
A. narrative and non-narrative
B. animated
C. documentary - testimonial
D. experimental video clips
E. video dance, video performance, multimedia scenic
Exhibition: Sept. 10-14, 2007
More information and registration form on website.
Deadline: 2007-07-31
E-mail: [email=[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Web: [url=http://6dof.infixa.com]6dof.infixa.com[/url]

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