The Problem of Healthcare

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Imagen de Edward Picot


At last! A layman's guide to the Government's healthcare reforms, explaining them in terms so simple they might have been written by a complete idiot, and charting the development of health care from the good old days to the present and beyond - with hilarious results! In fabulous stickman-o-vision, with bits of colour. Kind of a Dr Hairy spinoff, but the Dr Hairy episode it span off from hasn't been made yet.

To see it on YouTube go to ; or to download it from my site right-click and select "Save as..."

- Edward Picot

Imagen de Edward Picot
The Problem of Healthcare


At last! A layman's guide to the Government's healthcare reforms, explaining them in terms so simple they might have been written by a complete idiot, and charting the development of health care from the good old days to the present and beyond - with hilarious results! In fabulous stickman-o-vision, with bits of colour. Kind of a Dr Hairy spinoff, but the Dr Hairy episode it span off from hasn't been made yet.

To see it on YouTube go to ; or to download it from my site right-click and select "Save as..."

- Edward Picot

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