Dr Hairy in: Private Charges

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Imagen de Edward Picot


The second in a series of 10-minute puppet-videos chronicling the misadventures and frustrations of an ordinary (but rather hirsute) General Practitioner called Dr Hairy. In this one, Dr Hairy attempts to help a patient of his who has accidentally incurred some private charges - with hilarious results!

To view it on my site, go to http://www.edwardpicot.com/drhairy/privatecharges.mov ; or you can see it on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2gqXN6rhPw .

- Edward Picot
http://edwardpicot.com - personal website
http://hyperex.co.uk - The Hyperliterature Exchange

Imagen de Edward Picot
Dr Hairy in: Private Charges


The second in a series of 10-minute puppet-videos chronicling the misadventures and frustrations of an ordinary (but rather hirsute) General Practitioner called Dr Hairy. In this one, Dr Hairy attempts to help a patient of his who has accidentally incurred some private charges - with hilarious results!

To view it on my site, go to http://www.edwardpicot.com/drhairy/privatecharges.mov ; or you can see it on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2gqXN6rhPw .

- Edward Picot
http://edwardpicot.com - personal website
http://hyperex.co.uk - The Hyperliterature Exchange

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