Black or White (the gravy version)

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Imagen de Edward Picot

Just for fun - Michael Jackson's "Black or White" re-written as a song about gravy. Pretty funky, albeit rather out of tune in places. Made with the help of my daughter Rachel, otherwise known (on YouTube) was HoolaHoopKid, who provides some slick dance moves via her toy orang-utan, Sweethart. You can view it on YouTube at , or on my site at .

- Edward Picot - personal website - The Hyperliterature Exchange

Imagen de Edward Picot
Black or White (the gravy version)

Just for fun - Michael Jackson's "Black or White" re-written as a song about gravy. Pretty funky, albeit rather out of tune in places. Made with the help of my daughter Rachel, otherwise known (on YouTube) was HoolaHoopKid, who provides some slick dance moves via her toy orang-utan, Sweethart. You can view it on YouTube at , or on my site at .

- Edward Picot - personal website - The Hyperliterature Exchange

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