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Imagen de WernerHerzog
Nuevos titulos en DVD de Re:voir

Y tambien:

[b]DETRUISEZ-VOUS de SERGE BARD[/b] (coleccion Zanzibar)

Detruisez-vous 1968 35mm 55'
Bonus Destruisez-vous 2005 video 17'
Detruisez-vous (with it's implacable subtitle The Silent Gun) was shot between March and April 1968. The title - A film shot in April 1968 - is written on a piece of cardboard, with well-deserved pride: Bard was one of the few at the time to exhibit such clairvoyance. (...) Detruisez-vous is, moreover, a primitive film which breaks all the rules of film-making. It's the first Zanzibar film (and predates the very naming of the movement), an attempt to make a film which defies the rules of production, the production line of commerce.

Stan Vanderbeek is the Tom Swift of the underground, an inventor of processes and approaches. He is also a collagist, a collisionist, and like Georges Melies, whom he claims as godfather, an illusionist. Sheldon Renan

Science Friction 1959 10'
A la mode 1959 7'
Breathdeath 1963 15'
Poemfield n2 1971 6'
Achoo Mr Kerrooschevv 1960 2'
See Saw Seams 1965 9'
Panels for the Walls of the World 1967 8'
Oh 1968 10'
Symmetricks 1971 6'

Y para proximamente (DVD):

-[b]WALDEN de Jonas Mekas[/b]
-[b]HALLELUJAH THE HILLS de Adolfas Mekas[/b]

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