The Puzzle Box, Chapter 5

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Imagen de Edward Picot


"The mouse did seem to be waiting: instead of scampering into the darkness it held itself almost completely still, except for small attentive movements of its ears and the constant trembling of its whiskers."

On the run from Urizen's henchmen, the children undertake a hazardous underground journey. At the bottom of a frozen cavern, they find out more about one of the clue cards.

This chapter is dedicated to David Daniels (, the great American shape-poet, who died in May. Two of his last e-mails to the WebArtery group ( were about The Puzzle Box: "I want to buy this yellow cards. This is gripping... truly healthy and mysterious in an elegant way!" It makes me very sad that he won't be around to read the end.

- Edward Picot - The Hyperliterature Exchange - personal website

Imagen de Edward Picot
The Puzzle Box, Chapter 5


"The mouse did seem to be waiting: instead of scampering into the darkness it held itself almost completely still, except for small attentive movements of its ears and the constant trembling of its whiskers."

On the run from Urizen's henchmen, the children undertake a hazardous underground journey. At the bottom of a frozen cavern, they find out more about one of the clue cards.

This chapter is dedicated to David Daniels (, the great American shape-poet, who died in May. Two of his last e-mails to the WebArtery group ( were about The Puzzle Box: "I want to buy this yellow cards. This is gripping... truly healthy and mysterious in an elegant way!" It makes me very sad that he won't be around to read the end.

- Edward Picot - The Hyperliterature Exchange - personal website

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