Suggestions_collage, found footage, re-montage films

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Imagen de Tereza Soldátová

Hello there, I am working on a programming project that aims to present about 1h and 30 minutes long film program dedicated to films made of pre-existent film material. I would appreciate your tips and suggestions! 

Let me tell you a little bit more about the program. It is part of my master´s at La Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and it will be presented in university cinema.

The program focuses on short films made from pre-existent film material with special attention to experimental cinema, narrative re-montage and essays. I want to include fresh titles of young filmmakers as well as titles of well-established authors, such as Mike Hoolboom. When I was reading the academic literature, I couldn´t help myself but wonder, if there is a re-montage film that is considered "original". For I understand such a title might not exist, I would like to ask which film(s) you consider groundbreaking in this field. 

Additionally, if you have any tips for contemporary or classical titles, I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy this genre and wish to explore it more. Thank you very much!

To give you a more specific idea, here is the list of films I suggest for the program: 

Damaged & In my car (Mike Hoolboom)
Mirror World (Abigail Child) btw, I would very much like to find a preview for The Future is Behind you
Faces of Death (Jan Soldat)
The hand that touches the arm (Calac Nogueira)
Barokk Femina (Nr.7-11) (Péter Lichter)
Happy New Year, Jim (Andrea Gatopoulos) - this one stands out as it doesn´t use pre-existent film material but is made with scenes from video games. As part of the inner logic I´m trying to follow, it fits.

P. S. I am aware that the program does not include names such as Ken Jacobs, Peter Tscherkassy, Bruce Conner, Angela Ricci Lucchi, Yervant Gianikian, Al Razutis, Matthias Muller or Dietman Brehm. The reasons for this are mainly practical as I often struggle to find public previews. 

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Hi, Tereza

Hi, Tereza

You can find many of these works in services like Youtube or Vimeo ('official' or not). For example., Bruce Conner's A movie or even Jennifer Proctor's 'homage' to it

Other filmmakers that come to mind, with very different approaches: Gustav Deutsch, Cécile Fontaine, Michael Robinson, Raphael Motnañez Ortiz, Kirk Tougas...

If you are based in Paris, I would suggest going to Light Cone. They have a large collection of films & documentation that you might access. I think they would charge you a small annual fee (

Imagen de Miria Flores
I agree
I agree, and on YouTube you can find many works that can help you

I am Cinefilio, a fan of the world of cinema with an unwavering love for movies and everything related to the seventh art.

Imagen de Anonymous
Suggestions_collage, found footage, re-montage films

Check out the past programs for the Festival of (In)appropriation. They're a film festival of found footage films.

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