Vox Pops

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Imagen de Drew Burgess


Have been meaning to post this for a while, it is a bit more light hearted than my other work, made it before I got totally ego centric and self obsessed.
There is little else to say about it other than what is on my youtube description.

[quote]VoxPops is based on a simple scenario, which involved myself, a camera, a sound person, a microphone, a chair, and a sign which read - Please stop and say something on camera. was envisioned as a T.V product, thus I constructed this little clip to act as a kind of pilot. Considering making a longer version as I have about six hours worth of similar stuff. The subjects were given no direction, from the moment they entered the set until the moment they left. [/quote]

Hope you enjoy this piece, has been my standard film night entry for years as people seem to respond quite well to it, probably because of the humor + your critique is always appreciated.

Imagen de Drew Burgess
Vox Pops


Have been meaning to post this for a while, it is a bit more light hearted than my other work, made it before I got totally ego centric and self obsessed.
There is little else to say about it other than what is on my youtube description.

[quote]VoxPops is based on a simple scenario, which involved myself, a camera, a sound person, a microphone, a chair, and a sign which read - Please stop and say something on camera. was envisioned as a T.V product, thus I constructed this little clip to act as a kind of pilot. Considering making a longer version as I have about six hours worth of similar stuff. The subjects were given no direction, from the moment they entered the set until the moment they left. [/quote]

Hope you enjoy this piece, has been my standard film night entry for years as people seem to respond quite well to it, probably because of the humor + your critique is always appreciated.

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