When things go wrong.......

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Imagen de Anonymous

Don't be too negative. Unless it's bad health and even then it's good to keep sunny side up.
The reason is I've broken my camera and it doesn't record vision through the lens. Works alright over firewire though to and fro from computer.
Funny as I have also a camera that doesn't record to tape but does let you take stills or capture through firewire into the computer.

I wonder how much this is going to cost to fix if it's worth it for a single chip camera.
Well in my dreams I always did want that Sony PD150 with it's vivid colours a 3CCD sensor gives.....:roll: I suppose I'd better start saving...

So excuse me for this rambling post as what I wanted to quickly say is that even in the face of adversity there are new possibilities for image creation.

So things might be glum but there's always a way forward if you use your imagination and a bit of lateral thinking.

Haven't cracked the funding angle yet......I suppose the more times I practice jumping through hoops I get it right eventually?

:roll: :wink: :)

Imagen de Anonymous
When things go wrong.......

Don't be too negative. Unless it's bad health and even then it's good to keep sunny side up.
The reason is I've broken my camera and it doesn't record vision through the lens. Works alright over firewire though to and fro from computer.
Funny as I have also a camera that doesn't record to tape but does let you take stills or capture through firewire into the computer.

I wonder how much this is going to cost to fix if it's worth it for a single chip camera.
Well in my dreams I always did want that Sony PD150 with it's vivid colours a 3CCD sensor gives.....:roll: I suppose I'd better start saving...

So excuse me for this rambling post as what I wanted to quickly say is that even in the face of adversity there are new possibilities for image creation.

So things might be glum but there's always a way forward if you use your imagination and a bit of lateral thinking.

Haven't cracked the funding angle yet......I suppose the more times I practice jumping through hoops I get it right eventually?

:roll: :wink: :)

Imagen de Drew Burgess
When things go wrong.......

I respect your perspective when you say [quote]in the face of adversity there are new possibilities for image creation. [/quote]. These are my sentiments entirely. I think in todays media saturated world, the low tech, DIY approach, is a good way to make work that stands out. I personally find the institutionalized production values that we are conditioned to aspire towards very boring and restricting. It saddens me to imagine that there is an asthetic standard that work has to conform to before it is taken seriously. It seems like categories such as High definition, Broadcast quality, and the slick seemingly immaculate editing, lighting, sound etc that one would associate with these standards, are just institutions that are imposed upon aspiring filmmakers to prevent them relating to themselves and their audience on their own terms, and thus preventing a counter cultural media from developing, that may threaten the status quo. Anyway forgive my half baked political ranting I get that way sometimes, but my advice to you is fuck the Sony PD150. get your old camera working or buy another affordable camera and make something wonderful with that.
I sympathize with your predicament though, I have a camera that I have used for years, actually it is my girlfriends, but I would be very sad if anything happened to it. As for funding I don't know anything about that, but good luck, I am sure you deserve it more than most.

Imagen de Anonymous
When things go wrong.......

Drew I agree with you. Asthetic dogma gets my backup.

Otherwise nothing will ever happen or change...

If I hear somebody say to me again re editing software "If your really serious about film making...." implying what exactly????

Quality wise I like to have my cake and eat it in both low fi and hi fi.. A 3 chip camera gives me certain options and on the Sony filters and audio inputs of a certain type are also factors. But that's the photographer and sound designer in me speaking.
There's a nice consumer Panasonic 3 chip that's end of line. Funnily enough my Panasonic has been very good in my outside animation experiments using stills. Very useful. I'll get my Canon fixed in due course.
Infact connecting the Panasonic in camera mode and Canon in VCR mode together I can take video. Strange combination LOL.

Everyone is banging on digital slr cameras and I'm still using a 2 meg compact. Even got into exhibitions using it and no one has complained about my pictures. As it's the picture that is the most important thing.
People still use and make great work using pinhole cameras.

I don't hear many people complaining about super8?
Audio wise today I've had discussion on the merits of the C64 soundchip and I can also hold a good argument for sampling in 8bit when needed.
Technology is all bollocks and we shouldn't get caught up with it but make fun of it. Yes it enables us to do things but it's not an altar to whorship at or form a religion around.

At the end of the day it's not the gear that makes the work it's the artist using the gear. We only use what we think is creatively right in our work.


At 42 and only seven years out of my degree and it's been in the last couple of years I've been finding my feet feeling I'm getting anywhere. Infact if I had done a degree in the mid eigties it would've been in ceramics. Probably why I like technology as it's like working in clay. You make a mistake you change it back to where you were. But would I have ended up here? Who cares as this is now.

Everyone should be eligble for funding. Though to make things happen you have to do your own thing otherwise it never will happen.

Imagen de Anonymous
When things go wrong.......

Only "issue" that arises when using older technology when making an artistic statement or work is that the technology becomes apparent and more of a part of the work than if the work was created using contemporary technology. I said "issue" because it is not necessarily a bad thing, and for me in fact it is a good thing. I'm planning to shoot on an old amateur/professional studio camera that records onto a betamax deck (no tape in the camera), partly as an experiment and partly because I'm really interested showing the artefacts that are visible on this medium (tape drop-out etc).

But I do thoroughly agree, I'm fed up with people trying to reach this "production quality" etc etc... fortunately the degree course I'm on at the moment tries to avoid this as much as possible and in fact most tutors will look over most technical issues in students work.

Imagen de Anonymous
When things go wrong.......

To cut along story short I eventually got a Panasonic GS230 very good.  3chip with a microphone input and headphones. Well worth waiting for and yes it might only be a quater the price of a much bigger camera but it does the job.

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