[news]: Some festival awards

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&I... Some festival awards[/url]

[b]FlexFest 2006[/b]

The 2006 edition of the [b]Florida Film Festival[/b] has announced its winners: 

- In the film categories, long films section (longer than 12 minutes) the first prize was awarded to [b]Bill Brown[/b] for [i]The Other Side[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Peter Tscherkassky[/b] for [i]Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine.[/i] In the short film category (12 minutes and shorter), the 1st Prize went to [b]Jim Trainor[/b] for [i]Harmony[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Michael Robinson[/b] for [i]The General Returns from One Place to another[/i]. The special jury's "Gator" film award went to [b]Roger Deutsch[/b] for [i]Dead

- In the video categories, long videos section, the
1st Prize was for [b]Frederic Moffet[/b] for [i]Jean Genet in Chicago[/i] and the
2nd Prize went to [b]Gregg Biermann[/b] for [i]Spherical Coordinates[/i]. In the short videos category, the
1st Prize was awarded to [b]Steve Reinke[/b] for [i]Ask the Insects[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Timo Katz[/b] for [i]Whirr[/i]. The special jury's "Skeeter" video award went to [b]Dariusz Krzeczek[/b] for [i]Luukkaangkangas--updated, revisited[/i].


[b]Other festivals[/b]

 At last month's [b]Morelia Film Festival[/b], the best experimental short prize was awarded to [b]Natalia Lopez[/b] for [i]En el cielo como en la tierra[/i]. The best animated short prize was for [b]Suzan Pitt[/b] for [i]El doctor[/i].

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: Some festival awards

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&I... Some festival awards[/url]

[b]FlexFest 2006[/b]

The 2006 edition of the [b]Florida Film Festival[/b] has announced its winners: 

- In the film categories, long films section (longer than 12 minutes) the first prize was awarded to [b]Bill Brown[/b] for [i]The Other Side[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Peter Tscherkassky[/b] for [i]Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine.[/i] In the short film category (12 minutes and shorter), the 1st Prize went to [b]Jim Trainor[/b] for [i]Harmony[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Michael Robinson[/b] for [i]The General Returns from One Place to another[/i]. The special jury's "Gator" film award went to [b]Roger Deutsch[/b] for [i]Dead

- In the video categories, long videos section, the
1st Prize was for [b]Frederic Moffet[/b] for [i]Jean Genet in Chicago[/i] and the
2nd Prize went to [b]Gregg Biermann[/b] for [i]Spherical Coordinates[/i]. In the short videos category, the
1st Prize was awarded to [b]Steve Reinke[/b] for [i]Ask the Insects[/i] and the 2nd Prize to [b]Timo Katz[/b] for [i]Whirr[/i]. The special jury's "Skeeter" video award went to [b]Dariusz Krzeczek[/b] for [i]Luukkaangkangas--updated, revisited[/i].


[b]Other festivals[/b]

 At last month's [b]Morelia Film Festival[/b], the best experimental short prize was awarded to [b]Natalia Lopez[/b] for [i]En el cielo como en la tierra[/i]. The best animated short prize was for [b]Suzan Pitt[/b] for [i]El doctor[/i].

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