Visual Music Award 2015 - Call for entries

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Promedio: 3.5 (23 votos)

The Visual Music Award 2015 is a junior creative competition for works on music visualizations from the fields of new media art, experimental film or animation. We invite you to participate with your work for the Visual Music Award 2015 -> Call for Entries 2015. The submission deadline is on friday May 29th 2015.

As contributions to the Visual Music Award 2015 and the Visual Music Live Contest 2015 we expect interpretations of music by visionary artistic visualisations. The holistic media compositions should come close to "paintings in time", "visual music", "symphonies of light and sound", "cinematic paintings", "color light music" or "space light art".

Up to 10 of the best submitted "visual music" and up to three of the best "live & interactive" works will be honoured including the first prizes and one optional special prize.

This year's prize winners and awardees will receive a certificate and also prizes by our sponsors as well as a unique presentation of their works at the evening of the prize ceremony planned in July in Gelnhausen, the birthplace of Oskar Fischinger. Your works will be presented on a big screen in the Gelnhausen cinema - which was voted as the best "Hessian Cinema 2013".

The VMA is created and organised by INM-Institute for New Media, Frankfurt. Partners of the award are the Deutsche Designer Club DDC (, the CAMP Festival - international Festival for Visual Music ( and the B-Seite Festival für visuelle Kunst und Jetztkultur (

Further information:

For questions, please contact Tania Khan / Mail: [email protected]
Festival Director: Dr. Michael Klein / Mail: [email protected] and
Franz Aumüller / Mail: [email protected]

Your Team
Visual Music Award


Viernes, Mayo 29, 2015 (Todo el día)



Imagen de Dr. Werner Linden

Award 2016?



please let me know if there is a new compstition going on in 2016. If yes, please let me have the competition rules.

Thanks and best regards

Dr. werner Linden a.k.a.  Mad Musicologist