Jon Behrens

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Imagen de Anonymous

Today I've discovered a guy named [url=]Jon Behrens[/url] who works manipulating, painting, etc. the film. An old technique, yes, but I like that kind of things and he is doing it right now. He has some pieces on [url=]vimeo[/url]. It's not the same as watching the original, but, well, sometimes it's the only option...

Imagen de Anonymous
Jon Behrens

Today I've discovered a guy named [url=]Jon Behrens[/url] who works manipulating, painting, etc. the film. An old technique, yes, but I like that kind of things and he is doing it right now. He has some pieces on [url=]vimeo[/url]. It's not the same as watching the original, but, well, sometimes it's the only option...

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Jon Behrens

Glad you like Behrens. He has a nice DVD compilation of his works out there. Absolutely recommended.

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