Looking for a videoart project.

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Imagen de Anonymous

For a research of mine, I am trying to find a project and the name of the artist. It is an old project. I guess the artist has been producing work within the same period with Nam Jun Paik.

How it looks: There are people walking and there are red green and blue circles around their heads.

Could you please help me to find this project and the name of the artist who created it.

I am including a sample image, it looks a bit like that.

Imagen de Anonymous
Looking for a videoart project.

For a research of mine, I am trying to find a project and the name of the artist. It is an old project. I guess the artist has been producing work within the same period with Nam Jun Paik.

How it looks: There are people walking and there are red green and blue circles around their heads.

Could you please help me to find this project and the name of the artist who created it.

I am including a sample image, it looks a bit like that.

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