FRACTO - Call for Entries 2020

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Every year, FRACTO Experimental Film Encounter invites artists to present experimental film works which explore today’s perceptual landscape and question its set of technological configurations and to engage with the public to discuss current forms of audiovisual experimental art.

FRACTO is now accepting submissions for its 4th edition, which will take place at Kunsthaus ACUD in Berlin from May 27-31, 2020.

The SUBMISSION DEADLINE is the 1st of April, 2020.


Every filmmaker may submit two films.

> completed after the 1st of January, 2018

> up to 30 minutes long

> in any formats, including Super8, 16mm and 35mm

As Fracto is a non-profit film encounter, we kindly ask for a submission fee of 5 euros per film in order to support the project.




General inquiries > [email protected]

Please consider making a donation in order to support Fracto and check our social channels:

FacebookInstagram and Vimeo 

Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Julio 1, 2020 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

Jueves, Septiembre 24, 2020 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 


Imagen de Fracto

Submission Deadline Extension

It is with a heavy heart that, due to the corona pandemic and following government guidelines, we must announce the postponement of the fourth edition of FRACTO - Experimental Film Encounter from May to September 2020.  

However, on a lighter note, we have extended the deadline for submissions to the 1st of July!

Although it does not come as a surprise, this is not a decision we take lightly. Knowing how much work goes into creating these films and how important festivals and platforms like FRACTO are to their survival, we are more committed than ever to our goal of supporting and promoting experimental film art. So in an effort to do all we can under the current circumstances, we will make part of 2019’s programme available to stream directly from our website. The streaming programme starts on the 27th of March, and will be available for the course of a week.

Since this is only made possible by the artists who have generously allowed us to stream their films for no cost, if you can, please consider making a donation to support them in these difficult times. You can find a link on our homepage.

We will continue to monitor all updates and guidelines from the local government and health officials closely and will keep you posted. In the meantime, stay strong and stay healthy. 

Thank you and we hope to see you soon, 

Your FRACTO team

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Queremos saber si eres humano

Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Julio 1, 2020 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

Jueves, Septiembre 24, 2020 (Todo el día)