Film als Film: 1910 bis heute

Tipo de publicaciónCatalogue
Year of Publication1977
AutoresHein B, Herzogenrath W
Pagination300 pp
EditorialGerd Hatje Verlag, Kölnischer Kunstverein & Museum Folkwang
Place PublishedStuttgart
Publication LanguageGerman
ISBN Number9783775701259
Palabras claveExperimental film history

Comprehensive catalogue/book by Birgit Hein and Wulf Herzogenrath of works by the main avant-garde filmmakers in Eastern and Western Europe, North America and Britain. Includes full notes on the films, historical essays on areas and movements – Polish, French, British, Fluxus, West Coast, New York underground, Structural-Materialist, Expanded, etc.

Citation Keyexpcin15909


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