Desmontaje: film, vídeo, apropiación, reciclaje

Tipo de publicaciónCatalogue
Year of Publication1993
AutoresBonet E, Wees WC, Wyver J, Elwes C, Katz J, Beauvais Y, Jacobs K
Pagination205 pp
EditorialInstitut Valencià d'Art Modern
Place PublishedValencia
Publication LanguageSpanish
ISBN Number9788448201319
Palabras claveFound footage

Catalog of the exhibition held at IVAM Centre Julio González and other venues Feb. 26-June 8, 1993. Bonet introduces this investigation of the use of found footage in film and video with a history of the genre. Five essayists discuss "scratch video," found imagery composed entirely of quoted material, the use of archival footage, and the impact and principles of collage. With comments (mostly reprinted) on works by 60 artists and collectives.

Citation Keyexpcin15975


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