Experimental Cinema: The Film Reader

Tipo de publicaciónBook
Year of Publication2002
AutoresHorak J-C, Mekas J, Rabinovitz L, Varda A, Suárez JAntonio, Ganguly S, Tartaglia J, Haug K, Wolf R, Chin D, Ono Y, Sitney P.A, MacDonald S, Lopate P, Ehrenstein D, Gidal P, Holmlund C, Gibson GJ, Mercer K
Series EditorWinston-Dixon W, Foster GAudrey
Number of Pages356 pp
CiudadNew York/London
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number9780415277877
Palabras claveAgnès Varda, Andy Warhol, Barbara Hammer, Black cinema, Carolee Schneemann, Chantal Akerman, Female cinema, Gay cinema, Germaine Dulac, Hollis Frampton, Jack Smith, Kenneth Anger, Maya Deren, Michael Snow, Stan Brakhage, Su Friedrich, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Warren Sonbert, Yoko Ono

Brings together key writings on American avant-garde cinema to explore the long tradition of underground filmmaking from its origins in the 1920s to the work of contemporary film and video artists.

Texto completo


Introduction: Toward a new history of the experimental cinema

Part one. Origins of the American avant-garde cinema, 1920-1959.
- The first American film avant-garde, 1919-1945 / Jan-Christopher Horak
- Notes on the new American cinema / Jonas Mekas
- The woman filmmaker in the New York avant-garde / Lauren Rabinovitz
- Women in the avant-garde: Germaine Dulac, Maya Deren, Agnès Varda, Chantal Akerman, and Trinh T. Minh-ha / Agnès Varda

Part two. The 1960s experimental cinema explosion.
- Pop, queer, or fascist? The ambiguity of mass culture in Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising / Juan A. Suarez
- Stan Brakhage: the 60th birthday interview / Suranjan Ganguly
- The perfect queer appositeness of Jack Smith / Jerry Tartaglia
- An interviews with Carolee Schneemann / Kate Haug
- The Flower Thief: the "Film poem," Warhol's early films, and the beat writers / Reva Wolf
- Walking on thin ice: the films of Yoko Ono / Daryl Chin
- Yoko Ono on Yoko Ono / Yoko Ono

Part three. Structuralism in the 1970s.
- Structural film / P. Adams Sitney
- Interview with Michael Snow / Scott MacDonald
- The films of Warren Sonbert / Philip Lopate
- Warren Sonbert interview / David Ehrenstein
- An interview with Hollis Frampton / Peter Gidal

Part four. Alternative cinemas, 1980-2000
- Re/constructing lesbian auto/biographies in Tender Fictions and Nitrate Kisses / Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
- The films of Sadie Benning and Su Friedrich / Chris Holmlund
- Black women's independent cinema / Gloria J. Gibson
- Dark and lovely too: Black gay men in independent film / Kobena Mercer


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