Screenings in support of L'Abominable

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I(n)ter (Marie-Odile Sambourg, 2011)L'Abominable, the French artist-run film laboratory is holding several screenings to gather support regarding its probable eviction from their actual space. The screenings will take place on the 21st (Théâtre du Voyageur) and 27th (Ciné 104) of May, and will feature works from members of the association, including films by Nicolas Rey, Mahine Rouhi, Pip Chodorov or Stefano Canapa.

If you haven't signed the online petition yet, you can do it here.

Saturday, May 21st, 21h, Free entrance
Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d'Artistes d'Asnières-sur-Seine: L'Abominable au Théâtre du Voyageur
Gare SNCF Asnières - quai B
92 600 Asnières-Sur-Seine

- Gagarine (Drazen Zanchi, 1998, 16 mm, b&w, silent, 10 min)
- PTKHO (Mahine Rouhi, 2001, 16 mm, b&w, sound, 7 min)
- Terminus for you (Nicolas Rey, 1996, 16 mm, b&w, sound, 10 min)
- Promenaux (Stefano Canapa, 2001, 16 mm, b&w, sound, 12 min)
- Faux Mouvements (Pip Chodorov, 2006, 16 mm, coul, son, 12 min)

Friday May 27th, 18:30 & 20:30h, 4 €
Écran Libre #9 : L'Abominable au Ciné 104 de Pantin
104 avenue Jean Lolive, 93500 Pantin

- I(n)ter (Marie-Odile Sambourg, 2011, 35 mm, colour, silent, 1 min)
- West Point (Laurence Rebouillon, 2008, 35mm, colour and b&w, sound, 57 min)

- Schuss! (Nicolas Rey, 2005, 16mm, colour, sound, 123 min)
