REDCAT - Ross Lipman: Urban Ruins, Found Moments

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Rhythm 06 (Ross Lipman, 2008/1994)Ross Lipman: Urban Ruins, Found Moments
Tuesday March 30th, 8:30 pm
631 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Curated by Steve Anker and Bérénice Reynaud.
Ross Lipman in person.

“Lipman’s films are wonderful…. strong and delicate at the same time… unique. The rhythm and colors are so subtle, deep and soft.” Nicole Brenez, Cinémathèque Française

Known as one of the world’s leading restorationists of experimental and independent cinema, Ross Lipman is also an accomplished filmmaker, writer and performer whose oeuvre has taken on urban decay as a marker of modern consciousness. He visits REDCAT with a program of his own lyrical and speculative works, including the films 10-17-88 (1989, 11 min.) and Rhythm 06 (1994/2008, 9 min.), selections from the video cycle The Perfect Heart of Flux, and the performance essay The Cropping of the Spectacle. “Everything that’s built crumbles in time: buildings, cultures, fortunes, and lives,” says Lipman. “The detritus of civilization tells us no less about our current epoch than an archeological dig speaks to history. The urban ruin is particularly compelling because it speaks of the recent past, and reminds us that our own lives and creations will also soon pass into dust. These film, video, and performance works explore decay in a myriad of forms—architectural, cultural, and personal.”


- Self-Portrait in Mausoleum (DigiBeta, 1 min., 2009, Los Angeles)
- 10-17-88 (16mm, 11m, color/sd, USA, 1989)
- Rhythm 06 (35mm, 9 min., color, sd. USA/UK, 2008/1994)
- selections from The Perfect Heart of Flux
- Ocean Beach / Point Lobos I, II, III (DigiBeta, 10 min., 2007, San Francisco / Los Angeles)
- Clean Mrf / Dirty Mrf (DigiBeta, 6 min., 2008, Puente Hills / Los Angeles))
- Found Sand Mandala (DigiBeta, 1 min., 2007, San Francisco / Los Angeles)

- The Cropping Of The Spectacle (2008)
- Keep Warm, Burn Britain!


Advanced Curators' Notes

LA Weekly article
