Oporto apresenta #18: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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Oporto apresenta #18: What is the sound of one hand clapping?"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" by Liliane Lijn
16 mm film, color, sound, 14', 1973
Camera : Roger Coward and Pip Benveniste; Editing : Liliane Lijn; Sound: Rolf Gehlhaar
Saturday, February 6, 2010, 11 pm

Liliam Lijne could be considered as a "kinetic wizard" for her persistent research on the fluid matters of time and space.
The film "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" is a natural follow up for her kinetic experiments done during the sixties. The piece is based on the phonetic resemblance between the words "Koan" and "Cone" and could be seen as a "conic mantra". Several early sculptures, preliminary studies for her monumental work "The white Koan", were portrayed spinning. The rotating movement liberates inner resonances that were captured by the camera as ontological matter.

“A timely experiment on perpetual vision”- Alexandre Estrela


Oporto is a studio and a non-profit screening room located in Lisboa. Occupying the former Merchant Sailors Union headquarters, Oporto projects from time to time a single unique experimental video or film. The programme is exquisite and extremely slow.The selection of the pieces screened is made, not only on the basis of the work itself, but also on an overall idea of an exquisite corpse . The space is directed by artist Alexandre Estrela, in cooperation with designers and associate program managers Antonio Gomes and Claudia Castelo a.k.a. Barbara Says and artist Miguel Soares. Sponsored by GAU- Gestão de Audiovisuais.
