DVD release: VIDEOCHOREGRAPHIES and related documents 1999-2006

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My DVD "VIDEOCHOREGRAPHIES and related documents 1999-2006" is out on Editions 6870, Collection Electrons libres.

Infos + videos: http://www.myspace.com/antonindebemels
Online order: http://www.6870.be/spip.php?article24

DVD-9 - 133’ - 2007 - 500 copies
- 24 pages trilingual booklet (dutch/english/french)
- selling price €20
- includind the video works:
Scrub solos series, Peau Pierre, Il s’agit, Au quart de tour, Light body corpuscles and a lot of extras...

This collection of video works and previously unreleased material provides insight into the research and experiments Antonin De Bemels has been elaborating for more than a decade. Video, installation and scenography are just some of the artistic media he employs.
The main subject in all these works is the body, and more particularly the dancing body or rather its spatial and temporal recomposition, obtained through various editing and processing methods.
Thus, overlappings, collisions, repetitions, backward and forward motions, still images, residual images, as well as syncopated and elliptical editing concur to hinder, repress and condition movement’s natural fluidity.
This balance of power gives rise to fragmented bodies that struggle between the intervals and cuts. Bodies move restlessly, merge, give life to new hybrid creatures and symbolic figures such as the double, the marionette and the androgyne and conjure up mythological references such as Narcissus and Lilith.

Anonymous's picture
DVD release: VIDEOCHOREGRAPHIES and related documents 1999-2006

My DVD "VIDEOCHOREGRAPHIES and related documents 1999-2006" is out on Editions 6870, Collection Electrons libres.

Infos + videos: http://www.myspace.com/antonindebemels
Online order: http://www.6870.be/spip.php?article24

DVD-9 - 133’ - 2007 - 500 copies
- 24 pages trilingual booklet (dutch/english/french)
- selling price €20
- includind the video works:
Scrub solos series, Peau Pierre, Il s’agit, Au quart de tour, Light body corpuscles and a lot of extras...

This collection of video works and previously unreleased material provides insight into the research and experiments Antonin De Bemels has been elaborating for more than a decade. Video, installation and scenography are just some of the artistic media he employs.
The main subject in all these works is the body, and more particularly the dancing body or rather its spatial and temporal recomposition, obtained through various editing and processing methods.
Thus, overlappings, collisions, repetitions, backward and forward motions, still images, residual images, as well as syncopated and elliptical editing concur to hinder, repress and condition movement’s natural fluidity.
This balance of power gives rise to fragmented bodies that struggle between the intervals and cuts. Bodies move restlessly, merge, give life to new hybrid creatures and symbolic figures such as the double, the marionette and the androgyne and conjure up mythological references such as Narcissus and Lilith.

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