Vector Game + Art Convergence

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Open Call for Submissions:
Vector Film and Video Program
Deadline: December 10th, 2012.

Vector Game + Art Convergence is a four day Game Art Festival and symposium centred around games as the tool and inspiration for contemporary art making. Vector, Canada's first ever festival focusing on video game art, invites you to submit to its inaugural edition taking place February 21-24, 2013 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Machinima is a recent moving image art form that involves re-purposing the computer graphics found in video games in order to create new cinematic productions. Although early machinima was gamer oriented it has since been used to create a new form of video art that combines hacker aesthetics with found footage practices. In addition, machinima has been used by artists to as to critique and comment upon video game culture, alienation of contemporary culture, death and many other themes.

We are looking for work that experiments with the concept of machinima to produce engaging films and videos. In other words, the work should make use of video game footage or video game engines in some capacity. Narrative work will be considered, but the work should push the boundaries of traditional/classical Hollywood narrative cinema in some capacity. Due to programming restrictions we are looking for work under 20 minutes, however, please contact us if you have made a longer work and and feel that it fits fits our mandate.

We are seeking works from artists in all stages of their creative careers from emerging to established.

How to Submit:
- All submissions must include an attached copy of the Vector Submission Form, as well as samples of the work being submitted. (
- Links to samples of the work are acceptable.
- All submissions must be sent to [email protected], with the subject heading “VECTOR SUBMISSION – Film and Video Program”.
- Please consolidate all files into a .zip folder titled Vector Submission.
- Works may also be mailed to: Vector c/o Skot Deeming/ 531 Quebec Ave/ Toronto/ Ontario/ Canada/ M6P 2V6.
- All submissions must be received before 5pm on December 10th, 2012.
- Final Programming announcements and acceptance letters will be sent out on January 1st, 2013.
- Vector is committed to paying artist fees to all works exhibited at the festival.
