Oporto apresenta #23: You don't bring me flowers

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Oporto apresenta #23: You don't bring me flowersOporto apresenta #23: You don't bring me flowers
Friday, April 8th, 22:30h
Oporto, Salvador Correia de Sá, 42, 2 frente, 1200-399 Lisboa

"You don't bring me flowers"
by Michael Robinson
16mm film, colour, with optical sound, 8', 2005

Since the beginning of this millennium, Michael Robinson has been making film and video as trigger-objects for basic emotions. His work is a compilation of complex riddles, trails leading to ambiguous regions, places meant for the hard task of feeling. His narratives are deeply sensorial, warranting themselves difficult to translate into words.
Oporto is now presenting the film "You don't bring me flowers", a sublime diving experience into a succession of nostalgic images, centerfold pages from vintage National Geographic magazines.

"on deep image reading and other symmetry laws" - Alexandre Estrela

Oporto is a studio and a non-profit screening room located in Lisboa. Occupying the former Merchant Sailors Union headquarters, Oporto projects from time to time a single unique experimental video or film. The programme is exquisite and extremely slow.The selection of the pieces screened is made, not only on the basis of the work itself, but also on an overall idea of an exquisite corpse . The space is directed by artist Alexandre Estrela, in cooperation with designers and associate program managers Antonio Gomes and Claudia Castelo a.k.a. Barbara Says. Sponsored by GAU- Gestão de Audiovisuais
