P2P Art - The aesthetics of ephemerality

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega


[quote]Art made for - and only available on - the [b][u]peer to peer networks[/u][/b].
The original artwork is first shared by the artist until one other user has downloaded it.
After that the artwork will be available for as long as other users share it.

The original file and all the material used to create it are deleted by the artist.

”There's no original”

P2P Art is an artproject from Swedish artist and filmmaker [b]Anders Weberg[/b].

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
P2P Art - The aesthetics of ephemerality


[quote]Art made for - and only available on - the [b][u]peer to peer networks[/u][/b].
The original artwork is first shared by the artist until one other user has downloaded it.
After that the artwork will be available for as long as other users share it.

The original file and all the material used to create it are deleted by the artist.

”There's no original”

P2P Art is an artproject from Swedish artist and filmmaker [b]Anders Weberg[/b].

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