May I ask some advice about posting please

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Imagen de Jem Raid

I would like to know if I should post a whole video or just a sample clip, if a whole video should it be in a reduced format e.g. instead of 1920 x 1080, 600 x 338.

My reason for joining is looking for interested collectors. I give my videos away freely I'm retired I have a modest pension and my reward for doing this is personal contact with collectors, the few that I have corresponded with have been very helpful to me, I find this far more satisfying than any money I might make.

I would be very grateful for some advice


Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Hi, Jem

Hi, Jem

Unfortunately we do not host videos in our server. That is, we just post content linking to other streaming services such as Vimeo, Youtube, etc... That said, if you want your videos to be included in the website, I think they should be the whole thing, and in a resolution that you find to do some justice to the original piece.



Imagen de Jem Raid
Thanks for the reply Marcos,

Thanks for the reply Marcos, very good of you, I will have a ponder about a size that is reasonable. And then have a go at embedding one here.


My video site:

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