Looking for experimental screeing opportunities in Europe

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Imagen de Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Hallo experimental Filmmakers in Europe,

I have two friends/ collegues who are planning to come to Europe and who are thinking of touring with their film programs (a package of their own films). They will show their films at Directors Lounge Screenings in Berlin, and I have a couple of addresses like Cinema Avantgarde at Kommunales Kino Freiburg and Mal Sehn Kino in Frankfurt.

Do you have any experience with screenings in Europe, with a similar tour that you organized for your films, places that are welcoming experimental film? (Outside of film festivals)

I would be glad to know more about places interested in showing experimental work in Germany, Holland, France, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Kroatia etc.

Many thanks for your help

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