"Interdependency" by Joel Weishaus

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Imagen de Edward Picot

http://web.pdx.edu/~pdx00282/temp/Intro.htm - eight pictures taken inside a forest, accompanied by eight short texts. The texts take the form of e-mails to different individuals, but written in densely poetic language, and all on the theme of man's relationship with the natural environment. The pictures are big and intricate, crowded with detail, wet, chilly-looking, full of growth and decomposition. A sense of profundity and otherness emerges.

Imagen de Edward Picot
"Interdependency" by Joel Weishaus

http://web.pdx.edu/~pdx00282/temp/Intro.htm - eight pictures taken inside a forest, accompanied by eight short texts. The texts take the form of e-mails to different individuals, but written in densely poetic language, and all on the theme of man's relationship with the natural environment. The pictures are big and intricate, crowded with detail, wet, chilly-looking, full of growth and decomposition. A sense of profundity and otherness emerges.

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