ambient music

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Imagen de Anonymous

here's an animation i did for some ambient music by a friend of mine, josh albiston.

the animation isnt all that great but i love the music and hope you do too.


Imagen de Anonymous
ambient music

here's an animation i did for some ambient music by a friend of mine, josh albiston.

the animation isnt all that great but i love the music and hope you do too.


Imagen de Edward Picot
ambient music

Actually, Greg, I think that's a really nice video. I particularly like the twirling-leaves-against-water bit at the beginning, and then later on the way you use little bits of video in boxes to introduce areas of conurbation into the landscape - I thought that was very clever.

What did you make this in? Is it some kind of 3D animation software, such as Blender?

I also had a look at the video for "Green", and I thought that was very nice too: the same unhurried pace and thoughtful quality, and obviously the same concern with environmental issues too.

- Edward Picot

Imagen de jmzunzu
ambient music

Hi George, I saw the video you presented and I think it has a strong message for all of us, since we are now experiencing serious problems with the environment around the world. The music is very consistent with the message.

Imagen de jmzunzu
ambient music

Sorry Greg, I apologize for the confusion

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