Nocturnal Reflections: On the Surface of Things

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Nocturnal Reflections presents: On the Surface of Things
Curated by Zachary Epcar

- Bunte Kuh (Faraz Anoushahpour & Parastoo Anoushahpour & Ryan Ferko, 5 minutes, 2015)
"Through a flood of images and impressions, a narrator attempts to recall a family holiday. Produced in Berlin and Toronto, Bunte Kuh combines a found postcard, family photo album, and original footage to weave together the temporal realities of two separate vacations." - FA, PA, RF

- Under the Heat Lamp an Opening ( Zachary Epcar, 10 minutes, 2014)
"An expanded view of the lunch crowd at an open-air restaurant, from a bird's-eye of the exterior to the depths of the interior." - ZE

- The Plant (Mary Helena Clark, 8 minutes, 2012)
"A spy film, built on the bad geometry of point-of-view shots." - MHC

- Iron Condor (Meredith Lackey, 10 min, 2015)
"Iron Condor presents the sensible evidence of the Chicago Futures and Options Exchange from grain to data. The film takes its name from an option trading strategy whose profit/loss graph resembles a large bird. Static objects contend with a virtual atmosphere that renders the physical obsolescent." - ML

- Night Swells (Zachary Epcar, 5 minutes, 2015)
"And you love that humid atmosphere / And you look so lush under glass." - ZE

- Remote (Jesse McLean, 11 minutes, 2011)
"There is a presence lingering in the dark woods, just under the surface of a placid lake and at the end of dreary basement corridor. It’s not easy to locate because it’s outside but also inside. It doesn’t just crawl in on your wires because it’s not a thing. It’s a shocking eruption of electrical energy." - JM

- Return to Forms (Zachary Epcar, 10 minutes, 2016)
"A constellation of objects, each emerging into the soft peach-light void of an indeterminate condominium space." - ZE

Zachary Epcar (b. 1987, San Francisco) is a film and video maker based in Oakland, California. His work has shown at the New York Film Festival / Projections, Ann Arbor Film Festival, San Francisco Cinematheque’s Crossroads, Les Rencontres Internationales Paris/ Berlin, Images Festival, and the Rotterdam, Edinburgh, and San Francisco International Film Festivals. He is co-organizer, co-programmer of Light Field:


Macao - Milan, Italia


Miércoles, Marzo 8, 2017 - 21:30



Miércoles, Marzo 8, 2017 - 21:30


  • Viale Molise 68
    20137   Milan
    45° 27' 28.6632" N, 9° 13' 27.6024" E