Mex-Parismental N°10

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Promedio: 4 (1 voto)

This 10th edition of Mex-Parismental is an opportunity to sublimate the course that helped forge the unique and strong identity of our event. Organized for creators whose most varied achievements are offered unrestrained to curious spectators, eager for new images with refreshing perspectives, stories of today, the revisited past, renewed themes, unseens universes.

¡Vamos! Mex-Parismental and Collectif Jeune Cinema have an appointment with you next Thursday, June 18 at the Cinema La CLef to watch this cinematographic creation and to let it go, be surprised, take on unmarked trails with us to watch, share, meet, go towards the unknown, stimulating and invigorating.

We will be happy to enjoy with you the 10th anniversary edition! - Angélica Cuevas Portilla

- Être chat (Sebastian Wiedemann & Juliette Yu-Ming, 20’, Brazil/Colombia/France/Japan, 2014
- Canción para Victoria (Ignacio Tamarit, 1’16’’, Argentina, 2014)
- La jeune martyre (Miguel Novelo, 1’40, Mexico, 2014)
- Alice Again (Federico Fortini, 8’28, Argentina, 2015)
- Children’s playground (Pablo Molina, 9’13’’, Chile, 2014)
- El fin de la existencia de las cosas (Dalia Huerta Cano, 5’40’’, Mexico, 2013)
- Timeless time (Laura Focarazzo, 4’ 16’’, Argentina, 2012)
- Alle mensen en andere ziveraar (Datrick Huertanse, 4’37’’, Mexico 2010)
- O sal da lua, a outra experiencia (Cristiana Miranda & Cédric Dupire, 7’45’, Brazil-France, 2012)
- Equivale a mentir (Macarena Cordiviola, 3’, Argentina, 2010)
- Estudo de sobreposição (Krefer, 3’05’’, Brazil, 2014)
- Impresiones para una máquina de luz y sonido (Los ingrávidos, 6’42’’, Mexico)
- Nariño (video essay) (Bongore, 8’, Colombia, 2013-2014)

With the pressence of Cédric Dupire and Bongore.

The evening will be followed with an apéritif.


Cinéma La Clef - Paris, Francia


Jueves, Junio 18, 2015 - 20:30



Jueves, Junio 18, 2015 - 20:30


  • 34 Rue Daubenton
    75005   Paris, Paris (75)
    48° 50' 28.068" N, 2° 21' 9.36" E