22nd Chicago Underground Film Festival

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Promedio: 5 (1 voto)

The Chicago Underground Film Festival exists to showcase the defiantly independent filmmaker. Our mission is to promote films and videos that dissent radically in form, technique, or content from the "indie" mainstream and to present adventurous works that challenge and transcend commercial and audience expectations...if you suspect your film is "underground," it probably is.

Founded in 1993, The Chicago Underground Film Festival (CUFF) is a year-round organization dedicated to the work of film and video makers with defiantly independent visions. Unlike many other “independent” film events our goal is not to imitate old guard, market-driven events such as Sundance but Instead to focus on the artistc, aesthetic and fun side of independent filmmaking. CUFF promotes works that dissent radically in form, content and technique from both the tired conventions of Hollywood and the increasingly stagnant IndieWood mainstream.

CUFF 22 will take place April 15-19, 2015 in Chicago, IL

PLEASE read our entry GUIDELINES before submitting your work.

To submit your film(s) with our online form and payment system, please click here.
- OR -
To submit your film(s) via Withoutabox, please click the link below:

If you have questions regarding your submission or the submission process, please contact Bryan Wendorf at [email protected].

Deadlines & entry fees:
- Early Deadline: Oct 1, 2014 - Entry Fee: Features $35 (Students $20); Shorts $30 (Students $15)
- Regular Deadline: Nov 15, 2014 - Entry Fee: Features $45 (Students $20); Shorts $35 (Student $15)
- Late Deadline: Dec 15, 2014 - Entry Fee: Features $55 (Students $25); Shorts $40 (Student $20)

Please mail all packages to:
Chicago Underground Film Festival
2044 W Chicago Ave #155
Chicago, IL 60622


Se repite cada semana 1 veces. También incluye Vie Nov 14 2014, Dom Dic 14 2014.
Miércoles, Octubre 1, 2014 (Todo el día)
Sábado, Noviembre 15, 2014 (Todo el día)
Lunes, Diciembre 15, 2014 (Todo el día)



Miércoles, Octubre 1, 2014 (Todo el día)
Sábado, Noviembre 15, 2014 (Todo el día)
Lunes, Diciembre 15, 2014 (Todo el día)