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Imagen de Drew Burgess
a semi-narrative flash presentation within the horror genre.


This is something that I spent quite a long time working on an then abandoned, as I did not like the way it was turning out.
The good thing is I managed to grow quite confident with flash/action script as I was working on this, so I will hopefully do something else along similar lines in the future as I see a lot of potential in what flash can do.
This one is a bit of a mess, don't suppose I will ever bother to tidy it up and publish it formally as personally I just find it a bit too cheesy.
But anyway just wanted to share it with a few people at least in recognition the time that went into it.
I daresay now I am familiar with flash I could knock something similar out fairly effortlessly, but as was learning as went with coatfetish it caused me a great many headaches, and it is with some difficulty that I look back on the process.

Anyway, again I do not feel this to be my best work, but thoughts and criticisms are most welcome.

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