Sony Vegas 6.0

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Imagen de Anonymous

Not sure if this is the right place to put this but....

.....anyone know where I might be able to find a manual on how to use Sony Vegas 6 editing software? Im slightly incompetent with computers and cant work out how to work it.

Imagen de Anonymous
Sony Vegas 6.0

Not sure if this is the right place to put this but....

.....anyone know where I might be able to find a manual on how to use Sony Vegas 6 editing software? Im slightly incompetent with computers and cant work out how to work it.

Imagen de Anonymous
Sony Vegas 6.0

I googled "sony vegas 6 manual" and this is the first page that came up.

Click the link "Vegas 6 Manual" which will download a zip file with a PDF document in.

Wasn't there this exact same thread on Exp0001, which I answered there too???

Imagen de Anonymous
Sony Vegas 6.0

.....quite possibly.  :-

Very sorry, I have no idea why I didn't just google it. Now I look foolish.
Thanks for answering (again), next time I want to find something out maybe i'll attempt to do it myself......

Imagen de George Patrick
Sony Vegas 6.0

im using sony vegas 10 right now...

[url=]satellite internet[/url]

Imagen de Steve Miles
Sony Vegas 6.0

You can actually view a tutorials on youtube.

[url=]nyc web designer[/url]

Imagen de Vince Laurel
Sony Vegas 6.0

i am using sony vegas 10 now.
it has more applications than ^6.0

[url= ]Online Auto Auction[/url]

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