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  • Breath, rhythm, silence, resonance: listening beyond seeing in the films of Trinh T. Minh-­ha

    In the context of the Artist in focus Trinh T. Minh-ha program at Courtisane festival 2023, we invited musician, author and curator David Toop to reflect on the sound work in her films. The resulting publication, titled Breath, rhythm, silence, resonance: listening beyond seeing in the films of Trinh T. Minh­ha, is the first publication in the Echoes of Dissent series, devoted to the politics of the soundtrack.


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    7 EUR


  • Hollis Frampton - Navigating the Infinite Cinema


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    Paperback - 35 USD
    Hardcover - 140 USD
    Ebook - 35 USD


  • Lost Highways, Embodied Travels: The Road Movie in American Experimental Film and Video

    Often identified as one of the most genuine and enduring American film genres, the road movie has never been explored in the context of experimental filmmaking. To fill this gap, Lost Highways, Embodied Travels provides the first book-length study of over eighty unique and often obscure films and videos and situates them within the corporeal turn in American avant-garde cinema, so far mostly associated with body genres and sexually explicit films.


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    Hardcover - 148 EUR
    Ebook - 148 EUR


  • Bruce Baillie: Somewhere from Here to Heaven

    Partiendo de la exposición Somewhere from Here to Heaven, producida por Azkuna Zentroa y comisariada por Garbiñe Ortega, este libro catálogo nace como un espacio de admiración y reconocimiento a Bruce Baillie, cineasta “esencial” de los años 60 y gran promotor del cine experimental. Textos inéditos en algunos casos, históricos en otros, establecen un diálogo en torno a la figura de uno de los creadores más influyentes de la vanguardia cinematográfica norteamericana.


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    33 EUR


  • Exovede in the Darkroom - The Films of Rhayne Vermette

    The very first collection celebrating her work, Exovede in the Darkroom is a series of responses, critical and poetic, to Métis experimental filmmaker Rhayne Vermette’s visually explosive and materially intimate practice. It was while studying architecture that Vermette, primarily self-taught, fell into image making and storytelling. Her films are opulent collages of fiction, animation, documentary, reenactments, and divine interruption.


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    24 USD


  • Craig Baldwin: Avant to Live!

    For nearly 50 years, the Bay Area filmmaker and curator Craig Baldwin has been an inspiring figure in contemporary media arts. His acerbic, densely-packed found footage films have traveled the globe, encouraging scores of nascent collage-essayists, culture jammers, and mockumentarians to action.


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    50 USD


  • The Films of Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen

    This collection of Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's film scripts vividly evokes the close connection between their influential work as theorists and their work as filmmakers. It includes scripts for all six of Mulvey and Wollen's collaborative films, Wollen's solo feature film, Friendship's Death (1987), and Mulvey's later collaborations. Each text is followed by a new essay by a leading writer, offering a critical interpretation of the corresponding film.


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    Paperback - 24,99 GBP
    Hardback - 75 GBP
    Ebook - 17,99 GBP


  • Technology and the Making of Experimental Film Culture

    The Bolex camera, 16mm reversal film stocks, commercial film laboratories, and low-budget optical printers were the small-gauge media technologies that provided the infrastructure for experimental filmmaking at the height of its cultural impact. Technology and the Making of Experimental Film Culture examines how the avant-garde embraced these material resources and invested them with meanings and values adjacent to those of semiprofessional film culture.


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    Paperback - 25,99 GBP
    Hardback - 71 GBP


  • Crossing Cinema: the Diary Film, the Essay Film, and the Voice of I

    This book focuses on the unique forms of expression in the diary film and the essay film, especially how authorship of filmmakers can be integrated in the voice-over as a narrative strategy in first-person cinema. The book is divided into two sections: the first section “essays” contains three chapters, and in these chapters I use films of Liu Na’Ou, Hollis Frampton, Jonas Mekas, and José Luis Guerín as cases for filmic textual analyses, to discuss the issues of authorial presence, the voiceover narration, and audiovisual structure.


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    Ebook - 12.99 GBP
    Paperback - 400 NTD


  • Rose Lowder - Bouquets

    The Bouquets of Rose Lowder are among the most alluring bodies of work in contemporary moving image art. Made at intervals over three decades, interspersed between her longer films, the Bouquets chronicle Lowder's life-long inquiry into the mysteries of visual perception.

    This book invites a deeper look at Lowder's unique and beautiful world. It includes a selection of critical apppreciations, a catalogue raisonné of the Bouquet series, and a collection of Lowder's own reflections on her work.


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    40 USD



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