The Unforeseen 2017- Call for Entries

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Promedio: 5 (2 votos)

2nd International festival of short experimental and analog cinema – The Unforeseen
17-18. November 2017.
Center for cultural decontamination (CZKD), Belgrade

The call for entries is open

The days of experimental film "Unforeseen" are conceptualized as a support for reflection, development and production of experimental film. This festival is envisaged as opening a space for articulating a new politics of public support and of providing infrastructure, educational and production models in the development of experimental film. It is going to be achieved through discussing the meaning of the experimental film today as well as its possible practices. The format will be the one of educational, special and competition film program as well as of audio-visual and live soundtrack programs, discussions and lectures. 

Cine-Scope - Competition 8/16mm

This curated program is brought to you in collaboration between The Unforeseen and the analog film lab and audio-visual initiative from Belgrade, Kino Pleme. This selection aims to showcase the most fresh and exciting works of wide spectrum of analog cinema today, coming both from the circuit of international film labs and filmmakers who work independently on 8 and 16mm. 

Non-competition – Digital film

This program is a continuation of last year’s festival edition, focusing its attention on contemporary international experimental film production, which incorporates the achievements of modern technologies in the development of the film language and its forms.

Until November 10th, 2017 films in three genres (experimental film, experimental animation and experimental documentary) can be submitted to the Cine- Scope – Competition 8 and 16mm at The Unforeseen 2017. Films have to be produced on 8 and 16 formats since 2015 and should be no longer than 20 mins in length.

Films need to submitted in digital formats (preferably mp4) via wetransfer to two e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected]

Please include the following data in your mail: author’s name, the year of production, short synopsis, the format, the running time and optionally a poster or a screenshot.

The results, the jury as well as the complete festival program will be announced timely at the CZKD website (

Official/ facebook pages:

The Unforeseen – International Experimental Film Festival -

Kino Pleme -

Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju - 

Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Noviembre 10, 2017 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Noviembre 17, 2017 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Noviembre 18, 2017 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Noviembre 10, 2017 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Noviembre 17, 2017 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Noviembre 18, 2017 (Todo el día)