Media City Film Festival 25th Edition

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Media City Film Festival (MCFF) is now accepting entries for consideration to its 25th anniversary edition. Both feature-length and short moving image artworks will be considered.

ENTRY DEADLINE: August 16, 2021
FESTIVAL DATES: November 2021


Media City Film Festival is a trailblazing international festival for film and digital art, presented in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan since 1994. The organization also facilitates commissions, residencies, fellowships, workshops, and other activities year-round. MCFF is recognized as a globally significant destination for the production and exhibition of artists’ cinema. Since its inception, the festival has received more than 50,000 entries from over 120 different nations, hosted hundreds of visiting artists and filmmakers, and engaged tens of thousands of audience members in public programs in Windsor-Detroit and internationally.

MCFF is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Knight Arts Foundation, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and sponsors, donors and audiences like you!

Fecha límite: 

Lunes, Agosto 16, 2021 (Todo el día)

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Fecha límite: 

Lunes, Agosto 16, 2021 (Todo el día)