Seeking Brakhage


Promedio: 3 (2 votos)

Fred Camper has written about the films of Stan Brakhage for over five decades. Collected here for the first time in a single volume, his writing forms a body of criticism commensurate with the importance of Brakhage's films to late 20th century American art.

Originally published in varied forms - as articles in a multitude of periodicals, as program notes for screenings and retrospectives at many venues, as the lead essay to the first digital release of Brakhage films - Camper's uniquely perceptive observations have until now been difficult to appreciate in their entirety.

Included are an introduction to Camper’s texts by P. Adams Sitney and numerous frame enlargements from Brakhage’s films.

See Table of Contents here.

The book is available in a paper and ebook edition

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Queremos saber si eres humano



Fred Camper


Paperback - 75 EUR
Ebook - 15,49 EUR




Fecha de publicación: 

Viernes, Febrero 17, 2023



