Moonchild: Films of Kenneth Anger


Promedio: 3.5 (2 votos)

Moonchild presents revelatory texts on the occult, mind-altering, homo-erotic, synaesthetic and pop-culture tropes to be found within such classic underground films as Fireworks, Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome, Scorpio Rising, Invocation Of My Demon Br"Kenneth Anger: author of Hollywood Babylon, true disciple of Aleister Crowley, former mentor to both Bobby Beausoleil and Mick Jagger, amongst others - and almost certainly the most original and talented film-maker of the 20th Century.
Moonchild presents revelatory texts on the occult, mind-altering, homo-erotic, synaesthetic and pop-culture tropes to be found within such classic underground films as Fireworks, Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome, Scorpio Rising, Invocation Of My Demon Brother, and Lucifer Rising. Contributors inclue Mikita Brottman (author of Hollywood Hex) and Jack Sargeant (author of Deathtripping and Naked Lens).
Accompanied by a host of opulent film images, a filmography and quotes from Anger himself, Moonchild is the definitive study of one of cinema's most charismatic yet elusive innovators."

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