Jack Smith: Flaming Creature : His Amazing Life and Times


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Creator of the notorious film Flaming Creatures, Jack Smith astonished an international audience with his work in film, photography, theater, performance and the written word. Example and antagonist to generations of artists and performers—revered by RobeCreator of the notorious film Flaming Creatures, Jack Smith astonished
an international audience with his work in film, photography, theater,
performance and the written word. Example and antagonist to generations
of artists and performers—revered by Robert Wilson, denounced by
Kenneth Anger, imitated by Andy Warhol—Jack Smith is ready for his
close-up, on location in the streets and ruins of the world.

volume recognizes Smith’s seminal contributions and the need for a
significant rethinking of the history of the American avant-garde.

‘I genuflect before Jack Smith, the only true ‘underground’ film-maker’ John Waters

‘He was uncompromising. He had everything’ Robert Wilson

trickster, visionary—Jack Smith changed the art world. In what seems
like tamer times, it’s great to look back at a genuine and truly out
there revolutionary’ Laurie Anderson

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